Free Leads Building

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

SFI Rule of Success: Don't be a negative thinker

Your attitude determines your altitude in your life, so make sure it's positive! And don't let the negative attitudes of others (even if they're family members, friends, or peers) influence you. All the great men and women in history had to overcome the naysayers (AKA "Dream Stealers") who said it couldn't be done—and then went out and did it. Think for yourself and believe in yourself!
Have fun and be enthusiastic, too. People love enthusiasm and they can't resist someone having fun. Make your business so much fun that others will flock to you to join you.
"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad."
-Denis Waitley
"Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force. "
-Tom Blandi
"Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you."
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
-William James
"A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change."
-Earl Nightingale
"There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment."

SFI Tools

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

5 Simple ways to Create a High Conversion Banner

It’s nothing new. People have been banner blind long ago. Creating banners that get clicks requires some skills. Today we will discuss what they are.

(Disclaimer: I’ll be using sample banners to illustrate my points. They are for educational purposes. Please don’t be offended if you are the owner/creator of these banners).

1) Headline is the magnet

Like copywriting, everything begins with a headline that attracts people’s attention.

It can be something that is thought provoking or something that can trigger people’s desire. For example,

“Guaranteed Profits From The Stock Market???”
“I Make At Least $2000 Per Week. See How I Do It!”

It’s okay to exaggerate as long as you can back up what you said.

Below is an example of a banner that is too conservative. Such a banner is not likely to stir much excitement.

2) Call for action is the bait

The wordings in a banner should be kept to the minimum. You are likely to have a headline, which I’ve explained earlier, followed by a call for action.

The objective of a headline is to get people to READ. The objective of a call for action is to get people to CLICK.

So what makes people click? The trick is to create an expectation.

The call for action should give the audience something to look forward to. That ‘something’ must be so vivid that if they don’t click the banner, they will feel like they are missing out on something. For example,

“Get 20 Free Insurance leads.”
“Free Video Shows You How.”

Think out of the box when it comes to the call for action. See the example below. The call for action is an image of a video pending to be played. Some people may be so used to clicking the play button that they may subconsciously click on the button.

3) Forget about banner, think about links

People are banner blind nowadays, but they are not link blind. This means when they see words like ‘click here’, a hyperlink, a download button, or even a video play button, they click.

If you want your banner to get clicks, you need to make your banner look like a link, rather than a banner.

This is an example of a professional-looking banner.

This is an example of a link-looking banner.

Which one do you think will get more clicks?

4) Use graphics with purpose

I’m not against graphic, but we need to know what’s the purpose of using graphic in a banner. The purpose of using graphics is to gain attention.

See the example below:

Whoever looking for a holiday or cruise vacation will be attracted to see what this offer is about.
Here’s another good use of graphics, which shows the before and after of using the product.

5) Keep it simple

The last key I want to emphasize is try to keep your banner ‘clean’. Don’t pack it with lots of graphics and wordings such that at one glance, it’s hard to tell what you are trying to offer.

Here’s an example of what I mean.

The banner above is full of words and graphics. Do you find it confusing at first glance?

How about this example:

It has a good headline that will catch the attention of people having the same problem. It has also created an expectation of ’1 secret that can lose over 40 pounds’. Last but not least, its bold design makes it stands out from the rest of the professional-looking banners. It may be ugly and simple, but I’m quite sure it gets clicks.

Banner creation is not rocket science. If you follow the above tips, you too can create effective banners.


3 Ways you can Use Leadsleap to Your Business Good

LeadsLeap helps you to generate leads through a 3-pronged approach.

#1 – Leads Building Network

The first approach is our leads building network, where you refer people to join and build your network at LeadsLeap.

You may ask “Kenneth, isn’t LeadsLeap supposed to send me leads? Why am I sending leads to LeadsLeap?”

Fair question. Let me explain.

The people you refer to LeadsLeap are your ‘seed’ leads. Remember that your ad will be shown to 10 levels of your network, for life. As your referred leads bring in more leads, you’ll see your network grow. Over time, more and more people will see your ad.To illustrate, say if you refer 20 people to LeadsLeap, you may end up being able to advertise to 100s or even 1000s of people, for life.
That’s the leads building element of the system. (Note: In addition to building leads, you can also earn recurring commissions on sales made from product order and/or membership upgrade.)

#2 – Contextual Advertising On Our Network

Some new members ask “Is it possible to generate leads without referring people to LeadsLeap?” The answer is yes. This is done through the 2nd element of our system.

Besides being able to advertise to your LeadsLeap downlines, your ad will also be posted in our members area, LeadsLeap blog and on other members’ sites with the LeadsLeap Widget 2.0 added. This means you ad will be exposed to fresh leads months after months, not just limited to members of LeadsLeap.

Sounds good? Yes. But there is a catch……

To have your ad shown in our network, you need to have advertising credits in your account. I’m not going into the details of how to earn credits. You can read about it in your account. But I have one advice for you – try to focus on methods that can earn you credits on autopilot in the long run. You may need to work harder in the short run, but in the long run, you’ll not have to worry about credits.
Alternatively, you can become a PRO member of LeadsLeap, where your PRO ad will be rotated in the network indefinitely.

#3 – Leads Generation Tools
We develop top-notch tools that you can use to generate more leads on your own, beyond the LeadsLeap system.

Two examples are the Slidesense and M.Y.O.B List Builder Script. Even our Advanced Link Cloaker can be used as an advertising tool that you can use to get traffic from forums etc. Again, I’m not going into the details. You can learn about these tools in your members area.
So, what is the best way to utilize LeadsLeap to it’s fullest?

The answer is to make full use of all three elements of the system. Build your team at LeadsLeap, earn advertising credits on autopilot, check out the free tools that we offer and see how you can make use of them.

Last but not least, if you are new to LeadsLeap, check out some of our older posts in LeadsLeap blog. If you experience any internet marketing challenge, it is very likely that I’ve covered that topic in my previous blog posts. If not, you can always send your question to me via our support system. I’ll discuss your challenge in our blog.

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How To Develop High Seling Innovative Ideas

Many people can come out with innovative ideas. But coming out with innovative ideas that sell requires some skills. Today, I’m going to show you how to do it.

There are only 3 steps to follow:

1) Find a hot market with lots of buyers
2) Identify the limitation of existing products in the market
3) Think of an innovative solution to overcome that limitation (Tips: the innovative solution is usually a combination of two existing solutions!)

That’s it. If you follow these 3 steps, you will be able to come out with innovative ideas that can easily make you money.

Let me show you how others, including myself, use these 3 steps to come out with profitable ideas.
In the 90s, someone came out with a viral lead building system known as a Safelist system. In this system, everyone in the system is able to send emails to each other, and hence the name “Safe List”, i.e. a list that is safe to send emails to. When it first started, everyone was excited because suddenly, they can reach out to thousands of people for free. However, what they didn’t realize was at the same time, they were receiving thousands of other emails from other members too!

Soon, people realized that their emails were flooded and they started to think of alternatives. A simple solution was to redirect those emails to free accounts such as Yahoo and Hotmail accounts.
Guess what, the trick soon spread throughout the industry and everyone started doing the same thing.
The end result was, everyone was trying to email to everyone but no one was reading any email!
As you can see, lead generation is a hot market. But the existing ‘Safelist’ solution has a big problem. People do not want to flood their emails.

Here comes the idea maker who thought of a solution to this problem……

In 2000, a renowned internet marketing guru, John Reese, came out with an ingenious system. He combined the idea of safelist and network system. In his novel system, members can send emails to their 10 levels of members. Let me explain……

For example, A1 recruits B1 and B2 who become A1′s level 1. B1 and B2 then recruit C1, C2, C3, C4 who become A1′s level 2 and so on. It’s something like your referral structure at EmailCashPro. To A1, he will be able to send emails to all the Bs, Cs, Ds, Es, Fs…. all the way to the 10th level.
This is a powerful system because in this system, the maximum number of emails each member can receive is limited to 10, since only the immediate 10 uplines can send emails to the member. But the member can email to thousands of people in his 10 levels of network. If you don’t get what I mean, take out a piece of paper and work out the maths. It’s not hard to figure out.

John’s ingenious system has shaped the lead generation industry. Today, many other lead generation programs use a similar system to build leads.

What John did was he took the safelist idea, which is an existing system but with a limitation, and combined it with network building system, which is another existing system. I hope you can see that nothing truly innovative is created here. He merely combined two systems into one in order to overcome the limitation of the safelist system.

John’s system solved the problem of members’ emails being flooded with thousands of emails. However, members in the system still have to receive emails from their 10 uplines in the system, which is still obtrusive and annoying. In reality, many people in such system still divert their emails to junk accounts.

There you have it. Another limitation that is waiting for someone to overcome.

This time, I grabbed this opportunity to create a system that allows members to build leads without having to receive any email from any member in the system. You may have guessed it by now. Yes, the system is called LeadsLeap.

Basically, I took John’s system, which is already an improved version of the safelist system, and combined it with contextual advertising system. For those who don’t know what is contextual advertising, go to and do a search for “birthday gift”. Look at the advertisements on the right hand side. Those are contextual ads.

In a nutshell, members of will not have to receive emails from any other members in the system. They will only receive info-packed newsletters (now info-packed blog) from me.

The twist in the system is that I allow members to post their contextual ads in my newsletter. To a member, besides reading high quality newsletters, he will also see the contextual ads posted by his 10 uplines. He can click on the contextual ads in the newsletter if he is interested in the ad. If not, he can just read my newsletter and learn more about making money online.

Again, nothing truly innovative has been created. I simply combine two existing systems into one in order to overcome the limitation of John’s system.

That’s it. 3 simple steps you can use to come out with innovative ideas that sell!

Make use of these 3 steps. The next winning innovative idea can be from you!

Read more

Friday, 12 February 2016

You need Trained Professionals for your Tax Planning

Need Professional Advice to grow your business: Join APSense

Why taxation services at the hands of professionals is always beneficial than doing it all by yourself? It is because of the complicated financial terms, often amendments in rules and regulations, handling and record keeping which you as a business owner cannot do it yourself. That is basically due to insufficient time and over burdening schedule. A knowledgeable professional can provide efficient tax planning services to your company making sure you don’t pay even an extra single dollar.
With so many businesses meet ups, projects and other functioning on line it is fairly difficult to handle accounts too. Nowadays, majority of companies are seeking professional tax planning services as a convenience and helping hand. This is a best option and a time saver for those who cannot find time to maintain their records and lag in detailed understanding of tax jargons, preparation programs, updated rules and regulations and financial software packages.
In terms of their gaining popularity, definitely you would have heard a number of these firms also available online, so why at all hesitant to give it a try? Just take out some time and read the associated benefits. Here are some of the following.
·      Every tax is already prepared and nothing is left unprepared till the due dates.
·     Recording and maintaining each receipt, payment and cash is time taking and a person only dedicated for this task can manage it effectively. Tax planning services rendered by accredited companies provide professionals that take this burden of calculation and recording off your shoulders.
·         By keeping your liabilities at a minimum they assist in maximizing your profit and revenue every year.
·         With professional advice about business structures and keeping in line with multiple details that may contribute to deduction ultimately helping in your company’s growth.
After reading the benefits above, are you now ready to hire these professionals? One of the easiest ways to hunt them down is to surf online business directories in detail and other relevant companies appearing on google. But some points should be kept in mind before hiring one:
·         Keep in mind the size of your company. If you are a small business owner why then hire a huge firm? It is advisable to consider the amount of time and extent of the services needed.
·         It is always wise to have a complete knowledge about the background of firm. Is it designed for a guaranteed service? Do they have professionals with best tax planning services? You must target a firm encapsulating these qualities for benefiting your business.
·         Consult as many people or firms as possible for which they have already worked. It will help you understanding the performance, capability and repute of the company. Also go through the customer reviews online if you don’t have sufficient people to contact.
Hence, it’s proven that tax planning services from a reputed company can be really beneficial for keeping all your tax details intact and error free. By hiring a professional one can eventually save his or her company from extra deductions and a big loss in near future. Above all, the burden tax planning services takes from your shoulders is worth hiring a trained firm with trained professionals for guaranteed functioning and crystal clear record. 

Building Your Brand with ApSense: How it works


APSense is a business social network where people come together to share their business through networking, exploring and creating quality business content. There are also tools to help you connect with potential partners and contributors to your business building.

Join here... free


Build Your Own Private Social Network. You can start building your own social network by simply inviting your friends to APSense. Friends who you personally invite will automatically be placed into your network. In addition when the friends in your network invite their friends they will also be placed in your network.

Build Your Contacts. There are thousands and eventually millions of people in APSense that you can easily meet and stay connected with. When you see someone you would like to get in touch with, simply add them to your contact list. You can send and receive messages to and from your contacts at anytime.

Join Business Interest Groups. Joining a group it is a great way to network with people that have similar interests. Find the group you are interested in joining, get to know the group members and participate in new group discussions every day!


Explore Articles. Valuable business related contents are added regularly! Our articles directory includes categories like business how to's, business news, marketing tips, success stories, search engine marketing and much much more. Explore, discover and learn!

Explore Group Discussions. Visit our Groups area to explore valuable discussions on today's most popular business issues. The most popular discussions are easily spotted as they are listed earlier in the search results and browse directories.

Explore RevPages. These are pages where members have reviewed their own or other business sites. Again they are arranged in many different categories, so there will be many to select and explore.

Explore Talents. Members have offered their services in the Talents area. Explore them to find if there are any talents that will meet the needs of your business.


Create Your Own Articles. Create your own article and share them with the APSense community. If users like it and it becomes popular, your contents will be listed on our hot contents areas such as our home page, newsletters and article directory. Your articles can be anything from success stories to business how to's. Take advantage of the new Page Tour tool and help your readers interact with your articles (and other content).

Create Your Own Business Discussions. Build your own group or join an existing group, in any case you can start your own group subject discussions. Join in the conversation by exploring and sharing your opinions with other users.

Create Partnerships and Outsourced jobs. Use the News Feed to update when you have a Special Offer, Joint Venture or outsourced job available to help your business grow and prosper.

Add On Services

APSense has several extra services that will help to build your business. They include Business Centers, promotional tools and other useful services. Check the Add Ons for more information.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Are You a Network Marketer? Get help here

Disappointed in many of the programs that you have joined on line ?

Have no luck at all trying to refer ?

Well, don't give up yet !!

Nobody is born a skilled marketer. All you need is the right tool, and the right guidance.

Here at Reality-Networkers, a group of dedicated, active promoters are getting paid by us to HELP YOU promote !!

That's right !!

These people are willing to tell you, step by step, what kind of ads they are using, what kind of promotion tools they are using, and where they post their ads to.

And all you have to do, is follow the instruction and try to learn from those steps and become a top marketer yourself !!!

Don't just tell yourself that you cannot refer and give up. For sure that’s not how you've learned to ride a bicycle right ? All you need is the proper support and guidance.

Please follow the link below to find out how you can benefit from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away !!


Wednesday, 6 January 2016

8 Global Manners You Must Imbibe as a Global Business Person

To say that today's business environment is becoming increasingly more global is to state the obvious. Meetings, phone calls and conferences are held all over the world and attendees can come from any point on the globe. On any given business day you can find yourself dealing face-to-face, over the phone, by e-mail and, on rare occasions, by postal letter with people whose customs and cultures differ your own. You may never have to leave home to interact on an international level.

While the old adage "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" still holds true, business clients and colleagues who are visiting this country should be treated with sensitivity and with an awareness of their unique culture. Not to do your homework and put your best international foot forward can cost you relationships and future business. One small misstep such as using first names inappropriately, not observing the rules of timing or sending the wrong color flower in the welcome bouquet can be costly.

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There is no one set of rules that applies to all international visitors so do the research for each country that your clients represent. That may sound like a daunting task, but taken in small steps, it is manageable and the rewards are worth the effort. Keeping in mind that there are as many ways to do business as there are countries to do business with, here are a few tips for minding your global P's and Q's.

1. Building relationships:
Few other people are as eager to get down to business as we Americans. So take time to get to know your international clients and build rapport before you rush to the bottom line. Business relationships are built on trust that is developed over time, especially with people from Asia and Latin America.

2. Dressing conservatively:
Americans like to dress for fashion and comfort, but people from other parts of the world are generally more conservative. Your choice of business attire is a signal of your respect for the other person or organization. Leave your trendy clothes in the closet on the days that you meet with your foreign guests.

3. Observe the hierarchy:
It is not always a simple matter to know who is the highest-ranking member when you are dealing with a group. To avoid embarrassment, err on the side of age and masculine gender, only if you are unable to discover the protocol with research. If you are interacting with the Japanese, it is important to understand that they make decisions by consensus, starting with the younger members of the group. By contrast, Latin people have a clear hierarchy that defers to age.

4. Understanding the handshake:
With a few exceptions, business people around the world use the handshake for meeting and greeting. However, the American style handshake with a firm grip, two quick pumps, eye contact and a smile is not universal. Variations in handshakes are based on cultural differences, not on personality or values. The Japanese give a light handshake. Germans offer a firm shake with one pump, and the French grip is light with a quick pump. Middle Eastern people will continue shaking your hand throughout the greeting. Don't be surprised if you are occasionally met with a kiss, a hug, or a bow somewhere along the way.

5. Using titles and correct forms of address:
We are very informal in the United States and are quick to call people by their first name. Approach first names with caution when dealing with people from other cultures. Use titles and last names until you have been invited to use the person's first name. In some cases, this may never occur. Use of first names is reserved for family and close friends in some cultures.

Titles are given more significance around the world than in the United States and are another important aspect of addressing business people. Earned academic degrees are acknowledged. For example, a German engineer is addressed as "Herr Ingenieur" and a professor as "Herr Professor". Listen carefully when you are introduced to someone and pay attention to business cards when you receive them.

6. Exchanging business cards:
The key to giving out business cards in any culture is to show respect for the other person. Present your card so that the other person does not have to turn it over to read your information. Use both hands to present your card to visitors from Japan, China, Singapore, or Hong Kong. When you receive someone else's business card, always look at it and acknowledge it. When you put it away, place it carefully in your card case or with your business documents. Sticking it haphazardly in your pocket is demeaning to the giver. In most cases, wait until you have been introduced to give someone your card.

7. Valuing time:
Not everyone in the world is as time conscious as Americans. Don't take it personally if someone from a more relaxed culture keeps you waiting or spends more of that commodity than you normally would in meetings or over meals. Stick to the rules of punctuality, but be understanding when your contact from another country seems unconcerned.

8. Honoring space issues:
Americans have a particular value for their own physical space and are uncomfortable when other people get in their realm. If the international visitor seems to want to be close, accept it. Backing away can send the wrong message. So can touching. You shouldn't risk violating someone else's space by touching them in any way other than with a handshake.

Whether the world comes to you or you go out to it, the greatest compliment you can pay your international clients is to learn about their country and their customs. Understand differences in behavior and honor them with your actions. Don't take offense when visitors behave according to their norms. People from other cultures will appreciate your efforts to accommodate them and you will find yourself building your international clientele.

Credit to Lydia Ramsey

7 Ways to Draws in Followers using an Instagram Bio Creation

Your Instagram bio is one of the first things customers and Instagram users see. Occasionally, someone may see one of your photos before they come to your profile. But if they’re going to follow you, they will see your bio. So what impression are you making on them?

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We all know the value of a good first impression. Instagram is no exception. So it’s important to have a great Instagram bio that draws in users and encourages them to follow you.

If you want to spruce up your Instagram bio, here are some suggestions to consider.

Your Name

First and foremost, your name needs to be your name. Whether it’s the name of your business or your actual name, the name people see on Instagram needs to be how they know you. Don’t use funny spellings, odd words, unnecessary abbreviations. or other versions of your name. It’s your business and your brand. Make this section representative of that.

But, you can go further than just your name. Do you have a specialty? Is there something you provide? Are you known for something in particular? Do you have a specific job title or industry niche? Include this detail in your name!

Your name and username are the only fields that Instagram considers in search queries. So if there’s a keyword or niche that you want to be able to be searched for, including this in your name will increase your chances of being found.

For example, my name is listed as Jenn Herman * Blogger *
Find a unique way to stand out but that still represents your brand professionally.

Tell Them What You Do

You do something – and you do something that sets you apart from anyone else. Tell this side of your brand in your bio. Explain what makes you unique. Explain what you can do for them. Explain what you share on Instagram. Tell users what you do and who you are.

Make It Interesting

Instagram is about having fun. Your bio should reflect that fun side of your personality. Don’t make your bio too stuffy or formal. Include emojis or symbols in your bio. Use humor. Ask a rhetorical question. Make people laugh. Know your audience.

Whatever you choose to say about yourself or your brand, make it interesting. Draw people in. Make them want to follow you. This is your sales pitch so make it good.

Use Keywords

Keywords aren’t used on Instagram in the same way that they are on other sites. Hashtags work well and are easily searched on Instagram. But hashtags in your bio aren’t clickable and won’t show up in search results. So I recommend avoiding them in your bio, unless you have a custom hashtag you are recognized for.

Even though keywords aren’t necessarily going to help you in term of searches on Instagram, you should still use them to connect with other users. I don’t recommend keyword stuffing since it’s of no value. But using keywords that target your audience and niche will help users better understand who you are and what you have to offer.

Customize It

Once again, Instagram is different from all other social media sites. It’s a different audience, and for a different purpose. Therefore, your Instagram bio shouldn’t be exactly the same as your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google+ profile bios. Do not copy and paste your other bio(s) into Instagram and walk away. Your Instagram bio can have some similarities and keep the branding content that you use on other sites, but it shouldn’t be a direct replica.

Take the time to craft a customized bio that represents your brand and personality but that fits within the Instagram format and culture.

Space It Out

Furthermore, Instagram allows you to space out your bio vertically. This used to be harder to achieve but recent updates to Instagram have made this practice universal. Simply hit the enter or return key on your qwerty keyboard to drop down a line (or two). Doing this will space out your content and make it more legible. It will be clearer for people to read and you can highlight your key strengths. Stand out and connect with users using this method.

Update: It looks like, for ONCE, Android users have an advantage over iOS users. I assumed that since, as an Android user, I can use the return button to space out posts, that iOS users could too. I apologize for making that assumption, even though us Android users never get anything before you iOS users. But, anyways, if you are using Instagram on your iPhone, you aren’t able to use the return button to space out your bio. Instead, you can edit your bio on a computer/desktop which will allow you to use the return key. Format your post with icons/emojis and everything on your mobile device, then use the desktop site to space it out. You can also use the notepad app to format your bio then copy and paste it into your Instagram account.

Include Your Website Link

I’ve said this time and time again, and I’ll say it again. The only place on Instagram where you can place a clickable link is in your bio. Take advantage of this real estate and include your website url, landing page, blog page, or other link in this section. Including a link in your bio also shows users that you are a credible business. This encourages people to follow you so take advantage of it.

Now you have everything you need to create an Instagram bio that will draw in followers and help you grow your business.

Yes, this will take time to craft a good bio. But the great thing is that you can change it any time you like! Experiment with different options and layouts until you find the right one.

Credit to Jenn Herman

How To Use Instagram As A Sales Channel

Instagram is a photo sharing app with over 400million global audience. It is an amazing source of traffic especially for people in creative businesses like fashion, photography art and so on. Report shows that Instagram boasts 15 times more engagement than Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

Apart from sharing your pictures to generate likes and comment, you can now use instagram as a sales channel by turning “window shopper” to buyers. For you to effectively use instagram for business, you can think selling on Instagram is like selling on other social channels but it is very different from others. 

Here are some basic tips to get you started.



One of the secrets of using Instagram for business is to tell a visual story. However, it can be hard to know what kind of content will resonate with your follower which is why I am recommending this guide. This means that you need to lead your sale with an eye-catching image.

However there’s a huge difference between sharing your products and showcasing your products. Sharing your products is when you take a photo of your product on a shelf, in a box, or in another boring environment. Showcasing your product is when you practical-ise the use of the product in an exceptional setting or showing illustrations of how it is been used.

For example, if you own a restaurant, don’t just share a photo of a meal sitting on a counter; instead, share a photo of that plate on a nicely set table, with candles and a glass of wine. Create an atmosphere around your product.


Your Instagram bio is one of the first things customers and Instagram users see. If you want to spruce up your Instagram bio, here is a blog post that can help you further.

It’s important to have a great Instagram bio that draws in users and encourages them to follow you. The only place, currently, where you can place a hyperlink on Instagram is your bio; so if you are going to use Instagram to sell your products, you need to make sure that the link in your bio goes to the right place

A more effective use of your bio is to convert it to a sales funnel that leads to your store or your favorite products. You can achieve this by using Vogue Pay in several ways.


Vogue Pay platform is a robust online payment platform that can be used along with Instagram as a sales channel.

Here are some options you can consider.
  1. For example, if you intend to create yard sale or sell your photography items or digital downloads, you can use email invoicing to request payment.
  2. If you want your Instagram follower to instantly download your pictures or images, you can create a payment link that directly gives them access to the image on confirmation of payment.
The good part is that everything is automated and VoguePay makes it easy. Here is a guide to get you started to use VoguePay on your instagram account

You can find more cool features and tips on how to use VoguePay here

Vogue Pay Blog


Friday, 1 January 2016

6 Google Tools Every Entreprenuer Needs to Succeed

Google has a variety of tools that are useful for small business owners, and recently launched a new website that brings all of its resources and services together into one place – Google for Entrepreneurs.

Google has a number of tools that are popular for both personal and business use, and Google for Entrepreneurs takes the time to highlight which of their tools are useful to small businesses, and why.  Google for Entrepreneurs highlights tools we’ve talked about on BusinessKnowHow before, like Google AdWords and Google+, but some of the other tools listed include:

1.Google Sites:
Google Sites is a simple way to build a company intranet, project or team site without having to write code.  Google Sites provides a wide variety of pre-built templates, or allows you to create your own customizable templates.  Google Sites also allows you to customize permissions, so you can show a client only the relevant part of a project site, and tailor employee access to your company’s intranet. 

Also Read: Entrepreneurial Curve: The 10 Strategies for Success

2. Gmail:
Okay, you are probably already familiar with Gmail. But did you know that you can get a “” email address to use with Gmail for free? Plus, Gmail works with desktop email clients like Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird. There’s an email delegation feature if you regularly have another person read and respond to your email. There’s also a neat translation feature you can use if you conduct business internationally.

3.Google Vault:
Google Vault is a tool useful for businesses handling sensitive data – it adds capabilities for information governance, archiving and e-discovery to your other Google Apps. You can also run audits and export data as needed. This is a paid service that charges $5 per user per month.

4.Google Drive:
Google Drive is the successor to the Google Docs app. Google Drive has a cloud storage interface similar to Dropbox, so you can access it from any computer or mobile device. And you can create files – word documents, spreadsheets, and slide presentations -- right in Google Drive instead of creating them in another program and saving them to the drive. Google Drive comes with 5 GB of cloud storage per user, but can be upgraded to 20 GB of storage for $4 per user per month, and can be upgraded all the way to 16 TB (16,000 GB) of storage.

5.Google Calendar:
In addition to keeping your own tasks organized, Google Calendar can help you keep track of your team and schedule meetings with calendar sharing. Google Calendar also allows you to publish calendars to the web and embed them in your website, so customers can sign up for appointment time slots online instead of over the phone.

6.Google Developers:
If you are a tech startup, Google has a wide variety of useful tools for developers creating web apps, mobile apps, games, and more, such as Google App Engine and Google Commerce APIs for e-commerce. 

No matter what kind of business you have, Google probably has a cheap or free tool you can use, and Google for Entrepreneurs is a good way to see what’s out there and explore your options.  

Credit to Caitlin Moriarity 


Entrepreneurial Curve: The 10 Strategies for Success

Going to work for yourself is a huge step, and a sometimes scary one at that. Here are ten strategies that can help you survive and succeed in starting a business.

One: Involve Your Family Entrepreneurship will bring family changes, for sure. Your home office takes away the guest bedroom, and startup expenses strain the family budget.

From the outset, let every family member know what you are doing, why, and how it will impact them. Then listen. Solicit, and respond to, their advice. Welcome their objectivity, which you’re lacking in your euphoria.

Talk candidly about these changes before they happen, and you’ll gain valuable teammates.

Two: Network, and Keep On Networking 
In Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty, Harvey Mackay wrote: “If I had to name the single characteristic shared by all the truly successful people I’ve met over a lifetime, I’d say it is the ability to create and nurture a network of contacts.”

Mistakenly, during the first six months, I tried going it alone. The results were dismal.
Then I sought advisors, who helped me immensely, giving constructive feedback about my Web site, company name, motto, logo—practically every significant step. I still meet monthly with a group of my peers. We share marketing strategies, and even a few leads.

I encourage you to join civic groups, your professional associations (I joined the National Speakers Association), and start your own informal group.

Three: Master the Clock and the Calendar Time will become your most valuable commodity. Treasure it, protect it, use it wisely. Decline politely when your Thursday afternoon golf buddy calls on a warm, sunny day.

Use time-savers like these:
  • Organize your work area, so you can find information quickly
  • Rely on a contact management program, such as ACT, to keep track of prospects/clients
  • Start each day with a to-do list, arranged in priority order
  • Limit the length of phone calls and meal breaks
  • Outsource work that others will perform well at a reasonable price
Four: Get Physical To endure your long work hours, you must remain in top physical shape. Exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, reserve adequate sleep time, take short stretch breaks, and schedule your annual physician’s exam.

I start each day with a one-hour workout at a fitness center. Rather than tiring me, the session ignites me.

Establish your own health-supporting routines. Stick with them five or six days a week, and you will enjoy feeling better, thinking more clearly, and having more energy.

Five: Nurture Your Spiritual and Emotional Needs Remember to nourish the needs that go beyond the physical realm. Daily, you will need exceptional motivation, reinforcement, rededication, resilience, and sheer courage. Many successful entrepreneurs rely on sources not seen and touched.

For me, memorizing and repeating inspirational passages boosts my morale. Select whatever method brings you inspiration—meditation, reading, attending religious services, walking down a nature trail, or others.

Six: Get Technical Most entrepreneurs don’t start out with administrative assistants. We are SOHOs—single owners, home offices. Then who does the correspondence, records, research, and filing? You do.

So if you are technologically impaired, or you’re somewhat competent but lack proficiency in Power Point, social media, blogging, digital photography, and even video production, enroll in a nearby course.

Seven: Become—and Remain—an Expert Will prospects return your calls? Will appointments turn into contracts? They will when you demonstrate that you have mastered your field.

Expertise doesn’t happen by accident. Successful entrepreneurs read voraciously, attend conferences, interview leading authorities, explore their topic on the Internet, pursue advanced degrees, earn special accreditation.

And we don’t stop learning. “Continuing education” is a redundant phrase. To be educated means that we keep learning the latest advancements in our profession.

Eight: Hire a Coach Presidents, top athletes, actors, authors, speakers, politicians, and industry leaders rely on coaches.
Ten years ago, I hired a coach to improve my marketing efforts. We worked together for three intensive months. With his help, I revolutionized the way I seek business. I consider his fee one of my wisest professional investments.

Nine: Spend Wisely Friends told me the writer’s conference in Maui was one I must attend. I considered the cost, and went to a regional conference instead, where I learned plenty and kept my creditors happy.

Spending wisely becomes especially essential when we understand that an entrepreneur’s income, typically, is cyclical. We can’t let a highly lucrative month or quarter lull us into lavish life styles. Soon we’ll face months with less income—possibly even no income. Save cash reserves for those non-revenue periods.

Ten: Reject Rejection Yes, turndowns will happen, when you just knew your proposal was powerful, and your presentation flawless. How could they choose someone else?

In the words of Thomas Paine, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” The more you are rejected, the more you question your ability. Your confidence drops.

I suggest that you reject rejection. Realize that losing a contract doesn’t mean that you or your work are inferior. Somehow, there wasn’t a fit between you and the organization. Really, the company paid you a high compliment by selecting you for an on-site interview. That alone affirmed your credentials, programs, and product.

Think of the rejection as a rehearsal for your next potential client. Learn what you can from it, then go find someone who embraces the value your services will bring.

Culled from Bill Lampton's work