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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The 4- ROAD Principles of Developing The Art of Writing


Every man can be a great writer, as each and every one of us has got some innate abilities to do great things in the art of writing. The only difference between those who are already making it in writing and those who are virtually doing nothing, is the ability to discover oneself, as well as follow simple strategies that aid the development of the art of writing. One of those simple strategies is embedded in what is termed, ‘the ROAD principle’ of self discovery in the act of writing. Simply put, if we follow this road, in a short time, we’ve become seasoned writers.

Reading: Every time you pick a book to read, it is somebody’s work you are going through- someone’s thought, idea and interest penned down in black and white. Most times, when you read such great works, you even feel that you can do better, that you have better ideas and information relating to what is projected in writing, and you are challenged. One of the things that would happen immediately is that your dormant skill is awakened to consciousness. You begin to see what you can do in the area of writing. Besides, continually reading other people’s work helps you to learn the professional settings and structure of words that make a good and quality write up. With these you develop our own skills.

Optimism: Without optimism and positive self belief that you can do something, you would never do it, irrespective of your naturally-endowed potentials. That’s why our attitude is more important than our aptitude when it comes to developing the art of writing. Except we believe we can, and go the entire mile to work out that belief, we only end up in day dreaming. But, optimism makes us see possibilities in every life endeavour. We are able to remind ourselves that if others could do it, we too can.

Action: The next in that road is taking action. It is not enough to have optimism and self belief that you can do it. You should start doing it immediately, without leaving any room for procrastination. The rule is: do not waste any idea and useful information; pen it down immediately. Keep penning down the ideas, and then graduate to arranging them in points. Proofread, review, make necessary adjustment, make corrections and review again until you get something wonderful. With these simple steps, you would be surprised to see your first piece of writing- a great and quality content. What a writer in the making!

Diligence: Here comes the toughest part of the road, but which eventually is the most important. Writing is not a lazy man’s business; it demands your time and undivided interest. If you’re not ready to invest quality time and mental strength into it, better forget it; you cannot achieve anything meaningful out of it. It takes diligence to pen down ideas as soon as they drop into your mind each time. It requires diligence to review and proofread your work in order to produce a quality content; it would also require diligence to arrange your work in a well structured manner, with those professional touches. By the time you are able to follow through your work, in spite of other challenging situations, you’re on your way to becoming a master in the art of writing.

See you on top!

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